Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Simple Sewing Project

I love making blankets and/or burp rags as baby presents.  There is nothing more special than a homemade gift.  Really nothing.  My mother has made my kiddos plenty of homemade quilts, and blankies.  And, yes those are the ones they tote everywhere.  They make forts out of them, they go on trips with us in the car...literally everywhere!

So, here is a glimpse of a simple cotton receiving blanket I made for a friend.  She just had their third child, and it was a girl.  They are more the ranching type, than the farming type of operation (yes, there is a difference!), so I opted for some "cowgirl" material by Michael Miller paired with a pretty green.  It is just adorable! 

I love to sew, but I hated it as a child.  I was pretty sure my mother's Singer was going to bite my arm off and chew it up for supper.  Oh man, was I scared of that thing!  Of course, I was in 4-H....and on top of showing cattle, I also had to do sewing projects.  I mostly did quilts, and a little applique work.  There were alot of girls that did alot better job at sewing than I did. 

However, alot of time has passed  since then.  ALOT!  But now, there is nothing like the humming (or klunking if it is my cheap machine) of a sewing machine to drown out the sounds of my screaming and fighting kids.  Everything else just seems to fade away. 

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