Thursday, May 24, 2012

Seatbelt Ring Bearer Pillow

I mentioned before that my sister-in-law is getting married next month.  I saw a very similar pillow on Pinterest.  To be honest, I fell in love with this seatbelt pillow idea.  Just loved it!!  So, I mentioned it to my sister-in-law, and she thought it would be neat. 

Then I forgot about it! :(  But then I remembered.............just in time for the shower!! 

First I had to FIND some extra seatbelt laying around...................humm.  Where do you find extra seat belt???

How about in Farmer Johnson's "new to us" semi????  Why yes there was a "net" of seatbelt used to hold belongings of the previous semi owner.  How convient right?!?!  Absolutely!

So I started cutting and sewing, and cutting and sewing.  It was not looking good.  Not good at all.  Seriously, I was about to throw it away.  And, just tell her she was going to have to buy one. 

I got my good friend to come over for her opinion before I completely gave up.  We looked, and looked, and turned, and turned, and looked at it some more.  Our conclusion: we decided to start over.

It was a good thing we did....................she had a vision...............of how to do it correctly!!!

And it turned out great!

What do you think?

Turned out AWESOME!!

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