Saturday, April 14, 2012

Springtime....All in a Row.........

There is nothing that I love more than my yard.  Well....maybe Farmer Johnson and the kiddos....but not much else.  I do dislike how much work it is to keep up, but I LOVE the results.  I like my home clean and organized, my clothes neatly folded in drawers, and my yard mowed in straight lines.  Yes, I am a Type A personality, and proud of it! 

On the north side of our driveway, after the second mowing of the season............isn't it pretty??  Ahh, I could look at this forever!

On the south side of the driveway.........Another long sigh.....

A partial of my backyard..............see Farmer Johnson in the pasture???  He is drilling some extra wheat seed into the pasture where we took out some dead trees.  Then in the fall, he will drill some grass seed into the wheat, so that there is a good stand next spring.

Just something extra.  Here is a picture of some tulips I bought for my mom for her birthday.  I finally am figuring out my new camera....I think it turned out pretty good! 

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