It is calving season around here in the upper plains. We have quite a few on the ground already and when we get a trailer full, we bring them up to the pasture around our house, so they have nice green grass to eat.
Bringing the first load.
First mamma cow out of the trailer.
All out .....3 mammas and 3 babies
Heading for the trees.
Bringing in the second load...
Helping the last little calf out of the trailer.
I don't know why they didn't bring them in one load, they certainly would have fit.
I don't ask questions... I just take pictures!
Enjoying the new digs! The grass IS greener here!
There will be more brought up from the farm as they calve, but for now we have our 6 pairs. I think they are liking the scenery!
I grew up on a cattle farm. I showed cattle in 4-H, we milked cows, we were around cattle everyday all day long it seemed. So, when Farmer Johnson and I got married we purchased 15 pairs from my parents, and integrated those into Farmer Johnson's herd. My cattle are "my" cattle! I love them dearly and love when they return to our pasture for the summer. I love to watch them come to the water tank to get drinks, and especially love when the babies are small, and chase each other around the pasture. They are so stinkin' cute! I am not a pet person, no dogs, no cats, no fish, no anything. It is just not my personality. So, my cattle have always been my "pets" so to speak. They are the best kind if I do say so myself. Totally walking, no litter boxes, no kennels, no scooping poop out of your grass. Perfect Pets!
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