Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Windows, a Toothbrush, and a Toilet

Do you know how a $0.50 toothbrush leads to a $150 toilet?  Really?  You don't know?? I didn't know either until last week.  This is my story, it is a good one.  One that Farmer Johnson will never let me live down. Jeesh!

So last week I was spring cleaning my windows.  I don't know why I hate it so much, but I do.  It really only takes about 1 1/2 hours to do it, but I still hate it.  It is much less time consuming than it used to be, because of my beloved Norwex microfiber cloths.

Buy some...your life will never be the same. Seriously, never the same.  Love them!  All you use is water. That's it.  No spray bottles, no chemicals. 

Anyways, there I am cleaning my windows....I have dirty screens in my bath tub ready to be scrubbed.  Clean screens dripping into the bathroom sink.  I am cleaning the sills of my windows with a toothbrush.  My water in my ice cream bucket is getting pretty nasty.  I mean nasty, like brown/black yuck.  So, I go to the bathroom to get some clean soapy water to continue my scrubbing.  Out on the farm, the dirt you get in your windows is amazing.  I wonder why I even bother cleaning them most times.  Anyways, all places to dump my yuck are occupied.....except the toilet.  A reasonable place to dump yuck right??  Right.  Except, I couldn't see my toothbrush through the brown/black yuck. 

Dumping yuck in the toilet...flushing yuck down toilet....remembering that the yuck had my toothbrush in the bottom after flushing......PRICELESS!  Oh Seriously........

Yes, so now the toilet is backing up!  With my diluted yuck.  Oh Seriously!  I run to the other wash room to get the plunger.  I run back to the bathroom with my plunger, and plunge my diluted yuck.  Plunge.  Plunge.  Plunge. It goes down. 

I try flushing it again.  Really?  It backs up again.  Plunge.  Plunge.  Plunge.

Okay, I am no plumber............Bathroom Out of Order.  How nice with 2 little girls constantly going potty.

So, I own up my mistake with Farmer Johnson when he gets home.  He just laughs.  I don't think it is funny.  Well maybe it is....just a little bit.  But just a little bit. 

For some reason we decide to tackle the problem at 8 o'clock at night.  Seriously.  Who does that?  I guess the Johnsons!  We decide to take the tank off of the toilet, and take a wire to see if we can fish the toothbrush out with a wire.  No luck.  Jeesh, thought that work for sure.  Really I did.  But, then again I am NOT a plumber. 

So, we take the toilet off the floor.  You know you just can't put it back right?  Right.  You have to have a new wax ring to put it back.  We didn't have one.  We tried fishing the toothbrush out after taking the toilet up.  No luck.  Oh Seriously!  I thought that would work for sure too! 

So, we opted on purchasing a new toilet.  I always disliked that toilet anyways! Ugh!

So we made a trip to the big city to pick out a new toilet.  Did you know how many options there are in toilets?  Oh, Seriously!  So, we decided on one (it cost $150), and hauled it home.  Farmer Johnson quickly transformed into Plumber Johnson............had that sucker installed in less than 1/2 hour.  Oh he is good!

He of course, was not happy....but not mad.  Of course, he will never let me forget about this little adventure.  But...hey, the windows were really clean for about 2 whole days!  Awesome!

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